About the Editor

Thank you for your interest in Musuq Illa, a multilingual digital collective of Quechua poetry. For those who enjoy poetry that is recited, sung, and written in runasimi as much as I do, it is my hope that you find many interesting paths to explore within our cyber-ayllu community and that you feel welcome to contribute to our interactive glossary, leave us comments, send us suggestions and corrections, and will perhaps even share the site with your friends and family.

Alison Krögel is an associate professor of Andean Studies and Spanish Literary & Cultural Studies at the University of Denver, USA where she teaches courses focused on Quechua-Andean literature and culture, as well as Introductory Runasimi (Quechua) language classes. Her research includes literary and ethnographic studies of the roles played by food and cooks in colonial and contemporary Spanish-American literature and culture, artistic representations of resistance by the Quechua people in colonial and contemporary contexts, the hardships faced by Peruvian sheepherders laboring in the U.S. as temporary H-2A workers, and Quechua poetry and oral traditions. The recipient of a Fulbright Research Grant to Ecuador to study contemporary Kichwa poetry, she has published the book Food, Power and Resistance in the Andes: Exploring Quechua Verbal and Visual Narratives Lexington Books, 2010) and Musuq Illa: Poética del harawi en runasimi (2000-2020) (Pakarina ediciones, 2020), as well as articles in numerous academic journals. She is the editor of the digital humanities collective MusuqIlla.info and is currently working on a project involving the arborglyphs carved over the past several decades by Quechua sheepherders upon the aspens of the Colorado high country— visual and verbal chronicles of their work as herders in the mountains of the Western United States.

Exploring Quechua Verbal and Visual Narratives

Food, Power and Resistance in the Andes:

The Cambridge Companion to

Latin American Poetry

Poética del harawi en runasimi (2000-2020)

Musuq Illa: